Greetings Blog Friends, The first week of February is done and so is my first of four scheduled projects for this month. Remember the sorry the shape Dolly Dresses was in? Well, I'm glad to report that I have remade/repaired the inner section of this quilt. She is happy again and so am I! This quilt is now ready for finishing (either later this month or early in March). I started by taking out all the stitching around the inner part of the quilt, which included the center doll section, scalloped border and striped inner border. And, after doing so, I found out why the quilt did not go together well. It all stemmed from a measuring and trimming error by the maker...(me!). The center doll section was supposed to measure 12 1/2" x 20 1/2". Instead, it measured 12" x 20 1/4". I pondered this problem a bit and found I had only two options. One was to remake the doll on a new background fabric, or to increase the size of the doll section to match the required measurements. I chose the latter option. First, I cut the center section down to 12" x 20, then added a thin narrow border and squared it up to 12 1/2" x 20 1/2". Next, I made a new applique scalloped border and applied these pieces to the center. Then, a new narrow striped border was cut and applied and applied and finally the outer dress border pieces were reattached and now all is well!
It is still winter in a matter of fact, a major snowstorm blew through yesterday and dropped 6" of new snow on the region. I was looking at my current hearth rug (made from Maywood flannels jelly roll last winter) and decided it just didn't fit with my blue/gray/silver winter decorating scheme. I found this a jelly roll in a perfect fabric line, Winter's Grandeur by Hoffman Fabrics. A perfect name with perfect coordinating fabrics. They all have silver accents.
I even had enough leftovers to make a hex table mat. The mat is not yet finished, however...I need to find suitable backing and binding fabrics. I used a jelly roll for the center section, you can see the seams, but it really doesn't matter much...the base of the lamp that will sit on top of it will cover it. Another "no waste" pair of projects!
I'm moving on to week #2 project...the Eagle Scout quilt for my grandson. More on that next post. Till then...
Dear Blog Friends, More Stash-Busting is planned for February. Here's my project list: 1. Eagle Scout Quilt. My grandson Conner (Kristy's oldest) is 17 and will be finishing up his Boy Scout Eagle project this coming spring/early summer. The award ceremony will be sometime after that, but needs to be completed before his turns 18 in December. I've had the pattern and fabrics since last summer, from the Modern Scouting line by Riley Blake Designs. I plan to alter the pattern just a bit to allow for some personalization...such as Conner's name and the date of the Eagle award. I want to get as much done on it as I can, so once the Award date is known, I can finish it. This will be a wall display quilt, so I'll be adding a sleeve and will commission a quilt hanger from my husband Denis. Completing the Eagle Award in Boy Scouts is a prestigious honor, once that follows you through life. I hope Conner will display this quilt for many years to come. Here is a sample of the fabrics I will use:
2. Dick and Jane Quilt. I have had these fabrics squirreled away for over 8 years! I originally saw this quilt in Herrschners Retail Store in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. (Back when they still had a fabric department). I loved it, and my mother and husband collaborated together to buy the kit. I received it for my birthday that year. But, as I was still working, I laid it aside for what I had intended to be a short time. As with all things, Life interjected, health issues, loss, relocation. I never forgot about this quilt and I still love it. I have always loved the Dick and Jane schoolbooks and have collected an entire set! Here it is on the bookshelf that my father made me when I was a child. I learned to read with these books and they are a part of who I am. As you can see, there is an open space on the wall above the bookshelf. Dick and Jane will be a wall quilt only and will hang there, in my office, as a companion to my other children's books. Again, I will need to commission Denis for a quilt hanger. Pattern and fabrics by Michael Miller Fabrics. Here is a sample of the fabrics I will use for this quilt:
3. Dolly Dresses. This is a quilt that has been languishing in a very sorry state for several years. I made the top in 2013 and was ready to begin the quilting process when I discovered a flaw in the quilt construction of the inner borders. The batting and back are ready to go and have been hanging in my craft room closet since then! This quilt was a block of the month offered by Piece by Piece Quilt Shop in Appleton, WI. By the time I realized the problem and the need to remake the inner borders, fabrics used were no longer available. I have been on a 7 year journey to find suitable replacements so I can finish this quilt. I love it! After years of searching for just the right prints and shades of blue, I have forced myself to make a choice, complete the quilt and move on. Here is the poor thing in its current state: The scalloped and striped borders will be replaced. This quilt will share space in my craft room with Dick and Jane, so one quilt hanger will do double duty. Pattern is Dolly Days by Brandywine Design.
4. Christmas Bench Pillow. Remember my post on this project? Well, I've decided that I really don't like the main inner portion of the pillow. The light background that I thought would work really doesn't. I've purchased some new flannel fabric in a blue shade that complements the side prints very well. So, I will remove the doily from the front piece, remove the front piece from the side pieces and redo. Yes, there will be some work with the seam ripper, but I think the pillow will be better off for it once it is done. Here's the pillow now and the replacement fabric I chose:
5. A Christmas Skate Felt Stocking. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this stocking. She is so beautiful and graceful skating on the ice in her striking RED dress. I have decided to make this stocking now so I can add it to my winter decor. I don't usually do any major sewing in the evenings...I'm tired by then and we all know what happens when you get tired...mistakes! So, instead of just vegging in front of the TV, I work on hand sewing projects. This one is first in line. The kit is by Bucilla. I have begun work on this already. Here's my progress so far:
Not a big list, but it should keep me busy for the month! I am planning one project per week, and also hope to have Christmas Skate done by then also! I'll report my progress as the month moves on. Till next time...