Greetings Blog Friends!
Another successful scrapping weekend is in the books! A group of 11 of us thumbed our noses at COVID and spent 4+ very enjoyable days together (Wed - Sun), doing what we love best...scrapbooking, drinking wine and talking smart. Because there were so few of us, we were able to spread out in the large scrapping hall, we each had our own bed, and meals were kept simple and made by only a small committee (my daughter, her BFF and Me!).
I took three distinct projects with me this time. The first was a replica of the Colorado Trip travel book I made for my girls last fall. See that post here. I loved that book so much, that I copied it so I could have one too. There are a few slight and minor changes here and there, but it is basically the same book. I printed all photos and cut all photo mats ahead of time, so assembly was easy. I did all of the stamping at the retreat. This book took me Wed. afternoon, evening and all day Thursday to complete.

My next project was another small scale book, a memory book of Denis retirement party at work and with family and friends. This wooden book cover is from Close to My Heart, size 6" x 7". There was no prep for this one, I designed the pages while at retreat. The pages are all cut from cardstock, using the Cricut machine. I embellished with more cutouts and some stamping. I also added as many of the cards he received as would fit this small size. Two inch binder rings hold the book together. I made this project in one day...Friday of the retreat.

My next project was in the larger 12" x 12" size...pages from our time in Florida earlier this year. We stopped in Memphis on our way down in late January and in Nashville on our way back in early March. I chose to scrap the visits to both these cities in the same paper...You Rock from Close to My Heart. It is perfect paper for music themed pages from these two cities. I designed the pages myself to fit the photographs. I used a lot of Cricut cutouts, some very large scale. I think all elements work well. I love the pages! I finished this project with the last two pages on Sunday morning, just before packing up to come home.
It was a great weekend! Good times, good food, and I achieved all goals. I even won three door prizes, kept two and gave one away. And, best of all, no COVID! A WIN-WIN-WIN weekend all around.
More sewing news next time. 'Til then....