The dog days of summer have definitely set in! What exactly does that mean, you ask? Well, according to Wikipedia:
"The dog days or dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer. They were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius, which Hellenistic astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck."

I don't know about fever, mad dogs and bad luck, but the heat, humidity, thunderstorms and lethargy have set in. Perhaps it is because I was so incredibly busy and productive in June, perhaps it is because we have been cooped up at home for 4+ months, perhaps it is because we can't go anywhere...I don't know, but they are here. After making the masks, I have no ambition for anything.
I have sewing projects begging me for attention, but I just don't feel it. I have letters reminding me everyday that I need to sit down and answer them. I have paper kits waiting to be made into pages. But, all I do is daydream and while away the hours doing not much of anything.
This is very unlike me...I'm usually quite motivated to get things done. I've got to break out of this funk! So, I did some research online, took some notes and here's what I came up with:
Beating the Dog Days in 6 Easy Steps:
1. Do something...anything! Write a letter, go for a walk around the block, organize a closet. Any simple task you can do start to finish will boost your mood!
2. No excuses! Once you decide on a task or activity, don't talk yourself out of it! Break up the big jobs into small steps and take them all one at a time!
3. Take care of you! Get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated and do some form of exercise every day (at least 25 minutes).
4. Beware of the downward spiral. We are creatures of habit. Even one day of lying on the couch all day can become a habit. Change things up and do something different every day.
5. Get off social media. Most of it is depressing, especially the news.
6. Rock your playlist. Crank up the tunes, sing along, and get up and move to the music! And, if you groove to the tunes for at least a half hour, you've got #2 covered. Bonus!
So, I'm going to give it a try, and I'll keep a list and let you know how I did next time.
Till then....and don't let yourself go to the dogs....days, that is! LOL
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