Quilt Archive

Sunday, January 31, 2021

January Queue All In, but not All Done!

 Greetings Blog Friends,

Well, I made some good progress on my January project list and I've shown you some of these projects over the last few weeks:

1.  Tree Shimmer table runners.  Finished and part of my dining room décor.

2.  Wedding Keepsake Pillow.  Finished and on it's way to Australia.

3.  Pumpkins Wall Hanging.  In process.  Shapes cut out and ready for applique.

4.  Perfectly Pieced.  Fabrics fondled, but project not started. 😟 Project transferred to February Queue.

5.  Two Baby Quilts.  Finished and ready for gifting.

Elephant Parade, size 40 1/2" x 50", all flannel.  Pattern:  Mommy & Me by QP Designs.  Top and bottom borders, Floral Print (elephants) and background were purchased.  Fabrics for the square blocks were taken from the stash, leftovers from previous projects.  

Emmi's Quilt, 42" x 56", cottons on front, flannel on the back.  This quilt pattern is one I developed from seeing a similar one on Pinterest.  I call this pattern Emmi's quilt, because she is the lucky baby to get the first one!  Fabrics are jelly roll strips from the Hi-De-Ho fabric line by Moda.  Background, birds and hearts are all coordinating scraps from the stash.  The entire jelly roll was used on the front, some on the back and for the binding.  The colorful floral prints are perfect for a baby girl!

Besides these larger projects, I finished a number of various and sundry small projects, sewn by hand and/or machine.

In all, a pretty good month of crafting!  February plans for the Queue next time.  'Til then...

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Quick Filler Projects

 Greetings Blog Friends,

Do you ever feel so bogged down with the list and subsequent pile of UFOs and projects?  And don't know where or how to start?  My January queue was much like that, most of the projects listed there are larger ones, and that means hours and hours of work before the finished product exists!  That thought alone can be depressing and can also hold you back from starting.  I have a cure that works for me...small, quick-finish projects to jump start the creative process!  This week, I have several to share with you:

Rae Dunn Pillow.  I gave my daughter a very nice collection of Rae Dunn items for Christmas.  One was a mug with a printed towel set.  The towel is not one she planned to use and said to me, "What am I going to do with this?"  Well, when faced with an interesting piece of fabric that needs a use....make a pillow, of course.  So, I cut off a portion to make a square, added some fabric and and a pillow form...and voilà, a decorative keepsake is born!

Folded star decorative pot holders.  You might remember that I made one of these folded stars for a friend for Christmas.  Well, I liked it so much that I made several for myself.  The red/black/white one coordinates perfectly with my kitchen and the blue/yellow/red one is just because I like the fabrics and color combination so much.  I'll use it for décor in the summer.  Pattern is by PlumEasy Patterns, it is all done by machine. 

Winter theme kitchen towel.  Here is the next installment in the decorative kitchen towel series, this time in winter blues.  And, yes, you do recognize the deer and trees print.  It is made from a remnant piece that matches the pair of table runners from last week's post.

These small and quick projects are just what I needed to get me working again!  The baby quilts are still in process and I'll show you those next week!  'Til then...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Two Machines and a Cabinet

 Greetings Blog Friends,

I'm still working away on projects this week, so I thought I'd tell you the story about my sewing machines.  

This is Grace
She is a Viking Sapphire 850 and I acquired her new in 2009.  Grace is my workhorse machine.  She has sewn numerous quilts, home decor items, and a variety of other things.  She is my go-to machine for free motion quilting work.  She is named after my Grandmother, with whom I share a birthday.  Here is a picture of Grandmother Grace in the 1920's.  

This is FranShe is a Viking Sapphire 855 and is named for my Mother, with whom I shared a passion for sewing.  Mom was ready for a new sewing machine and really liked mine, so she bought hers in 2010.  It is basically the same machine, but hers has a few more built in stitches.  Fran sews beautifully, always perfect tension on stitches.  She is a bit finicky, tho,  and doesn't really like to free motion at all. I inherited Fran after Mom passed away in 2015.  Here is Mom's graduation picture in 1945.

The wonderful thing about both these machines is that they share the same accessories and attachments.  Most importantly, the share the same footprint, which made the design and construction of my sewing machine cabinet so much easier.  The machines are easily switched out when it is time to go to the shop. 

This cabinet was made by husband Denis and is a prized possession!  It was 3 years in the making and underwent several design changes.  Things I love most about it:

  • The space to the right of the machine.  I use this space for tools, fabrics, pattern, pin cushion, etc.  Everything pertaining to the current project all in one place.  I also keep a decorative project box there.  
  • The drawers.  The top two on the right-side hold tools and gadgets that I use all the time.  The bottom right side has stabilizers that use quite a bit.  The left side top drawer holds my threads, and the other two drawers hold tools and supplies that you need to have, but don’t use for every project.  The fun thin drawer just under the top holds rulers. 
  • The fold up extension that hangs in the back.  It doubles the flat workspace and supports larger projects well during the quilting project.  

Denis also made a plug for the machine hole so I can use this space for scrapbooking projects.

So now you know where I spend most of my days!  Happy crafting!  'Til next time...


Friday, January 22, 2021

Not Just for Christmas Anymore!

Greetings Blog Friends,

Here is another Bucilla brand Felt Christmas stocking finish.  This one is named Snowflake Snowman, kit is from 2007.  He has been in my stash for several years.  He joins his other wintry friends on my fireplace mantle.

He finishes at 18" and is fully lined.  No name is added to this one, since it is for my own use as seasonal (winter) décor
.  However, a name tag is made, ready for personalization  and stored inside for future use.

I like to keep busy at night while watching TV shows, movies, or football games.  (Now that the season is winding down, I'm already missing my Monday, Thursday and Sunday night football!!) Instead of just staring at the TV, I keep my mind engaged and my hands moving by doing hand embroidery and hand sewing projects.  An added bonus is that I keep my production level up, too.

I have big plans for 2021 in terms of hand sewing/embroidery at night:
  • 6 felt stockings in a religious (nativity) theme, one of which I will have to design myself.
  • 3 felt stockings in a summer theme
  • 1 vintage felt tree skirt to complement my newly acquired vintage tree (I'll show you this later in the year.)  This one I will also work on during the day, as it is a large project and needs to be ready for display by Thanksgiving.
  • 1 Cross stitch piece, a gift from a young friend in Russia
Busy hands are happy hands!  'Til next time...

Sunday, January 17, 2021

January Queue Revisited

Greetings Blog Friends,

I'm happy to report progress on the January Queue list:

  • Winter Masks.  Fabrics chosen, but not sewn.
  • Table Runner(s).  Finished and on display!  I bought this as a kit a couple years ago from a local quilt shop.  It is made from the pattern Tree Shimmer by Jennifer Sampou and uses fabrics from her Winter Shimmer line by Robert Kaufman fabrics.  I quilted each piece with invisible nylon thread, so not to disturb the look of the appliqued trees in the design.  I am very conservative when I cut fabrics for projects and can usually get better than expected yield when cutting (a skill I learned in my youngest days making garments).  With careful placement and planning, I was able to get two runners from the fabrics in the kit.  The long runner on my dining room table measures 18" x 70 1/2" and the smaller runner is 18" x 35" and fits perfectly on my china cabinet.  There was literally no waste to this project.  All the fabric in the kit was used for the runners and pieced backings.  The only leftovers were (8) 5" charms to go back into the stash.  I got both bindings out of 1/2 yard of fabric and had about 4" to spare. 

  • Wedding Pillow.  Finished and ready to mail!  This is a counted cross stitch piece and measures 7" x 9".  I picked up the fabrics for the pillow at a quilt show a couple of years ago and they coordinate very well with the colors in the stitched piece.  I added some lace around the edge to fancy this up a bit.  I am hoping Lara will like this keepsake!  I will ship it off to Australia this week.

  • Pumpkins Wall Hanging.  No Progress yet, but I'm hoping to start on it before the end of the month.
  • Perfectly Pieced.  Fabrics have been fondled, but not cut yet. 😀  I don't know if I'll get to this one in January, but I love the feel of the flannels, so I don't mind playing with them for a while yet!  LOL
  • Baby Quilts.  In  Process.  Fun, simple designs that should be quick finishes!
I've been squeezing in a couple of smaller projects here and there.  More on those next week.  'Til then...

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Quilter's Cottage BOM - December Block

Greetings Blog Friends,

Today I'm sharing the latest block in the Quilter's Cottage BOM.  It actually arrived in early December, but with last minute projects and the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I just got to making it this past week.  And, just in time, too, as the January block has just arrived!

This block is called Quilter's Quarters and is one of the three "Quilts" hanging on the wash line in the original design.  

More sewing news next time.  'Til then...

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

January 2021 Queue

Greetings Blog Friends,

As we now hunker down and watch the snow pile up and the temperatures drop, I have designated January as a sewing month.  I have a few projects in the queue for January:

Winter Theme Masks.  For me, my girls, and friends.

Wedding Keepsake Pillow.  For a special young lady in Australia.  This will be one of my first finishes for the month.  It needs to be mailed by Feb. 1.

Winter Table Runner called Tree Shimmer in pretty shades of blues.  This has been waiting in the stash since winter 2020!

Pumpkins Wall Hanging.  This one has been in the stash since 2016 .  It was purchased by daughter Kristy and is done in all grays and browns, her colors.  Her decorating style is what I like to call Urban Farmhouse and this will fit in perfectly!  I've been waiting in vain for her to come to help with the sewing, but I don't think it's going to happen.  So, this winter, I'll sew it up myself and she'll get a wall quilt holder from Denis as a bonus! 

Perfectly Pieced Wall Hanging.  I purchased this in Panama City Beach, FL in 2019.  This is all done in Maywood Woolies Flannels.  All applique will be done by hand as many of the pieces are very small.  This will share the quilt hanger with Corona (they will take turns).

Two baby quilts.  Commissioned by Kerri, who has friends who are both having babies in March.  For one, I will use up some of the leftover flannels from another project along with some purchased yardage.  The other will be made with a jelly roll I've had for several years featuring pinks, purples, aqua blues and large print flowers.  Both are perfect for baby girls!

I'll keep you posted as to my progress during the month.  'Til next time...

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Quilting on the Wall

Greetings Blog Friends!

I have some new décor items to share with you!  Well, not exactly new, but being displayed in a new way. 

Remember CORONA (the quilt, not the virus), the quilt I made earlier this year as part of a quilt-along?  It has been finished since August and waiting patiently for it's quilt hanger to be made.  I'm happy to report that husband Denis has made it's hanger and it is now on display in my office/craft/sewing room.  It hangs just above and partially behind my collection of vintage children's schoolbooks.  I love it and gaze at it every day.

Christmas Memories.  This quilt was made for Christmas last year (2019) and was displayed for a few weeks, then put away in storage until December rolled around again.  I fell in love with it again this year, just as I did last year.  When displayed on my living room quilt rack, you can't see the entire quilt, especially the borders (and I think they are what really make this quilt pop!)  So, I asked husband Denis for another quilt hanger, found some suitable flannel in my stash and added a hanging sleeve.  It really added the "WOW" factor to my holiday living room décor.  I'll be putting all Christmas decorations away soon, but will leave this quilt hanging for awhile.  It adds so much warmth to the room! 

And now, of course,  I'll have my work cut out for me...to make seasonal quilts to hang in its place.  To no one's surprise I'm sure,  I have some already in the stash!  LOL

January Queue up next.   'Til next time....

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Quilts for Christmas 2020

Greetings Blog Friends!

I have exciting projects to share with you!  Since I have gifted the following quilts to their rightful owners, I can now show you what I've been up to this fall:

1.  Harry Potter, Wizard of Gryffindor.  This was made as a wall quilt, complete with wall quilt holder, for my daughter Kim.  She loves everything Harry Potter.  The main blocks were purchased on Etsy, the setting and quilting was my own simple design.  I used Moda Marbles in Black for sashing and outer border.  Finished size:  52" x 64".  Quilting was done in long one way diagonal lines spaced 2" apart.  A matching pillow accompanied the quilt.

2.  Stag at Sunrise.  This quilt was made from flannel stash 10" layer cake squares, some left over from other projects, some cut from yardage I had.  The top row featuring the stag and rising sun was my design, loosely based on the pattern Sunrise Stag by Nite Owl Quilting.  I cut the patterns for the stag and trees using my Cricut machine.  All elements in the top section were appliqued to the blue background using a tight zig-zag stitch.  Sunlight rays were quilted in the center section, with loose free motion lines in the dawning sky in the other areas.  The lower block section was quilted with a cross hatch grid.  Finished size:  58" x 74".

3.  Penelope Pachyderm.  This quilt was made for my youngest daughter, Kerri.  She loves elephants!  It is a wall quilt, again complete with wall quilt hanger. 
This is a foundation paper pieced quilt with 97 foundation units in all.  The pattern is is Elephant Abstractions by Violet Craft.  She is quilted with straight parallel Lines 1” apart from top to bottom.  This quilt took me more than a month to make.  Finished size: 54” x 60”.

Quilt hangers courtesy of husband Denis.  The hangers for Kim and Kerri both feature a flat top shelf for display.  These are shown on my quilt hanger just for photographs only.

More quilting on the wall next time.  'Til then...

Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 New Year Resolutions!

 Greetings Blog Friends on this 1st Day of 2021!  

My New Year Resolutions are simple this year:

1.  Beat Corona!  I resolve to do everything I can to help beat this thing into submission by taking the vaccine when available and continuing to social distance, wear my facemask and to hand sanitize.  

2.  Continue to sew and scrap down my stash of paper and fabrics in 2021.  The focus this year will be home décor items for (gasp!)...me, with a few gifts thrown in the mix.  

I did pretty good in 2020 and I can actually see something of a reduction in the fabric and paper stash!  Is this a good or bad thing...hmmm...a question to ponder.  I finished 57 projects, large and small in 2020, as compared with 62 in 2019.  

Here is a cute folded star hot pad that I made for a friend for Christmas.  Pattern is by PlumEasy Patterns, it is all done by machine.  I have made folded stars in the past, but they were all hand sewn.  I had a hard time giving this one away...lucky for me I still have all the fabrics to make one for myself! 

Quilts for Christmas coming up next.  'Til then...